Forms and Files

There will hard copies of the files available in the band room, but you are welcome to print them out from here if you would like.

Bus Transportation Permission Slip - Every Band Member needs this turned in before the end of band camp.

Self-Medication Form - If you need to take perscription medicine during your day in band or you want to take over the counter medicine like tylenol,  please fill out this form and turn in ASAP. 

Senior Ads - All Seniors need to fill these out for the Football boosters ASAP. The link isn't active yet but will be soon.

Reflections - Only for section leaders.

Some of these files need to be protected because of copyright.  If you want to access them, you need to use a district login. 

Audio of the Show - This has individual instrument recordings and all instruments together. Great for individual practice.  Thank you to Sam A. for putting this together!

Audio on YouTube

Sheet Music - This will only open for people with a district sign-on.

Drill - This will only open for people with a district sign-on.

Music with drill sets for seg 1 marked.  

Guard Goodies - Access granted on request.  Email