NYSSMA Solo & Ensemble Festival
NYSSMA Requirements:
#1 Solo
Prepare a solo from the NYSSMA Manuel and bring Two Original Copies of Music to your adjudication.
Photocopies are illegal, and will cause automatic disqualification.
#2 Scales/Rudiments:
Level I-II Soloists must prepare any 3 major scales
Level III-IV Soloists must prepare any 7 major scales
Level V-VI Soloists must prepare all 15 major scales
Drums: Long Roll and prepared rudiments required (see link below).
#3 Sight-Reading:
Sight-reading is required for all soloists. The student will be allowed one minute to study the sight-reading before performing it.
Students are allowed to hum or silently play their instrument during the study period.
Other Details:
All students are responsible for their own transportation to and from Johnson City High School.
Small Ensembles:
Ensembles have the same requirements except no sight-reading, scales or rudiments