Student Account Information
The Union-Endicott Band Boosters hold several fundraisers throughout the year to help
middle and high school band and marching band student (including tigerettes and colorguard)
defray the cost of band related expenses: (i.e., trips apparel, band shoes, reeds, valve oils, band
banquet tickets) When a student participates in most fundraisers their profits are put into their
individual accounts. Students may not participate in fundraisers for the benefit of their student
account until they are either enrolled in a middle or high school band class or have turned in their
marching band paperwork to the band director.
To request money from the student account you need to contact the current Student
Account contact person or via the Marching Band Booster President. You will need to let that
contact person know what money is being used for along with a copy of the receipt and how
much money you would like. We cannot pay for a bill directly to you. For example, we cannot
write a check to the school for your child’s trip. You must pay the school and we will then
reimburse you. A check will be written out to a parent and mailed. We will need the parent(s)
name and mailing address. This process may take a few days so please give us time to get the
check to you.
The money in the account can be retroactive. So if the student is going on the trip this
fall and fundraises through the year you can request the money in the spring to pay yourself back.
Any money left in the account when the student becomes a senior may also be used for
senior expenses such as prom tickets, senior pictures, graduation announcements and
yearbooks. When the band member is a senior, all requests for money from their account must
be made by June 30th of that graduation year.
In the event that your student moves from the district, any money not reimbursable to
the parent at the time of the move, is forfeited back to the general band booster account.
If you have any additional questions or would like to know your student’s balance, please
feel free to email the current contact person or email the current Band Booster President who
will direct your email accordingly.
Thank you
UE Marching Band Boosters
Revised: 3/2016